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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summer Wordart day 3

Wow am I tired! Hubby has decided he is gonna quit smoking which I think is great cause it will same a lot of worry about his health and money as well. But this isnt the first time that he has tried to quit and the part that really stinks about it is that he always gets pretty bad insomnia when he tries to quit. This is day 3 and between worrying about him and the baby waking up and weird hours for bottles all a sudden again I so need a good long nap! LOL Its 4am and I have been up a while now! Its just hard to sleep when I know he cant. Anyway we all got our demons to fight right? If you missed the summer wordart freebie set you can still grab it in the store for 1.50! Enjoy
Misty Allen


  1. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [20 Jul 12:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  2. quitting smoking is not an easy thing to has taken me many tries....good luck to your hubby and thanks for the freebie

  3. This is so cute; thanks Misty! I hope your husband succeeds in quitting this time. Sounds like it's hard on you, too. Hang in there!

  4. thank you:)kristi

  5. For your husband, might I suggest he try Tylenol PM? It's not too strong, but it is effective and it might help with other quitting symptoms. Hang in there, this will pass!!

    Thanks for the gift!!

  6. SO cute - thank you
