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Monday, April 30, 2012

Loveliness Mini Kit freebie Day 2

Morning everyone! Here is day 2 of the freebie mini for you! Just getting up and moving. I have a 2 year old who has not stopped tantruming since last week. OMG I feel like my head is gonna explode. How can something so cute be so frustrasting?! LOL Gotta love the terrible 2s right? HAHA

   Freebie Expired! If you missed this round you can still grab it in the store! Be sure to check the blog regularly so you dont miss the freebies that I post most everyday! 


  1. Cute mini kit so far! Thank you so much!

  2. My little man is nearly six and he never stops. He isn't happy if he isn't making noise of some sort and he has meltdowns quite often so I feel for you.
    Thank you for day 2.

  3. thank you so much! loving the colors on this one!

  4. thanks so much

  5. My "little one" is seven. She seems to have missed the terrible twos and turned into a Lawyer within the last few months. Everything is "why?" and " what if?". One of our recent conversations involved a discussion on whether or not alien Moms make their children eat vegetables. Good luck and Thank You for the lovely mini.

  6. Oh Man Thats so funny! I bet its adorable though. I have heard that girls are more work though having all boys I dont know firsthand.
